On Friday we hit the same street in Tottenham to continue where we left off. I found Tottenham to be a completely different vibe to what I expected. I was expecting some tensions and maybe a little bit of trouble considering the recent uproar on this very street only two weeks before. How wrong could I be? The locals were all polite and very welcoming. We began to build up a clearer picture of what Tottenham really is about! Asking around to find out what the local youth do in the evenings, it seems there isn't a lot for them to do. The word on the street is that since the Government starting making cuts the few youth clubs around started to close. This seems very dangerous to me- taking away the youth's entertainment. Don't get me wrong, I'm not justifying what happened in Tottenham, but I was beginning to ask if I blame them?
We wanted to make an impact on the streets and it was happening. We struck lucky when a local church, St Marks, in Tottenham offered as free use of one of there halls on the Saturday. We quickly had a load of flyers designed and printed by our graphics team and begain to invite everyone in Tottenham we could see. We stayed on the streets till 2am when we run out of flyers.
On Saturday morning we were back on the dreaded North Circular heading towards Tottenham for the third time in the week. With more flyers to hand we parked the bus in our favorite spot. We were very thankful for the support and patience of the local shops who allowed us to park where we did. The day started well with three lads (all brothers) stopping by, tempted with one of Miracle's (now famous) smoothies. New to Tottenham they were looking for something to do to keep themselves out of trouble. They found Nathan and the Jesus Army (better luck next time boys)! Throughout the day we invited more to the meeting and BBQ in the evening. At 5pm we once again lit the BBQ and waited for the masses to turn up. And they did! Within and hour we had giving away nearly fifty burgers and sausages. The meeting was great too! With at least 20 new friends, of which fifteen were from an unchurched family there was a sense that lives where changing. The three brothers were so touched by what we had as a church they decided to come back to Nether Heyford (nearly 100 miles away) to see what we are really about. And they loved it.
To be continued...